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Hunting Leases
- Inventory you property to ensure you can offer a hunting lease
- Determine the type of lease you will have
- Take into consideration what hunters look for
- Utilize a lawyer to draft your lease
- Liability insurance is important
Hunting Leases
An increasing number of hunters are seeking higher quality hunts in more relaxed environments. Private land often has these features and rural landowners around the country are finding that they can provide unique hunting opportunities on their land as a means of generating extra profits.
The income potential of fee-hunting businesses depends on location, landscape, local wildlife habitat, and the amenities provided. The fee-hunting business is diverse and landowners can offer a variety of services, from seasonal leases to full-service guided hunts. Proper habitat management and selective harvest of certain game species can enhance wildlife populations and increase hunter success. In addition to diverse wildlife, hunters are also looking to be surrounded by a beautiful, natural setting.
Landowners should approach the opportunity to open their land to fee-hunting carefully. Consulting with attorneys and insurance professionals to cover liability issues is important. Marketing services can be achieved through websites, newspaper and magazine advertisements, and most importantly, word of mouth.

Establishing a Hunting Lease on Your Land: Legal Considerations for Wildlife-Related Recreation (PDF)
Mississippi State University Extension Service, Publication 3416, 2020
This publication is intended to educate readers about liability issues associated with recreational hunting occurring on their properties.

Landowner Involvement and Attitudes: Fee Access Wildlife and Fisheries Recreation (PDF)
Mississippi State University, FWRC Research Bulletin, 2007
This extensive publication provides information on property characteristics, landowner enterprises, business characteristics of fee-access recreation, socioeconomic characteristics of hunters/fishers, and more.

Fee Hunting: An Income Source for Mississippi's Non-Industrial, Private Landowners (PDF)
Mississippi State University, FWRC Research Bulletin
This extensive publication provides information on fee hunting in Mississippi including payment methods, types of fee hunting, overhead and wildlife management expenditures, gross and net revenues. It gives tables with data on the landowners that have hunting businesses, the land they use, the money they spend and make and problems they encounter.

Hunting Leases: Considerations and Alternatives for Landowners (PDF)
Mississippi State University Extension Service, Natural Resource Enterprises Program
This publication gives information on long-term and short-term leases, what to consider when creating a lease agreement, suggestions of topics to cover in a written lease, tips on deciding the price structure of the lease, and finding desirable lessees. Samples of hunting lease agreements are provided as a guide. Information is given on by laws of hunting clubs and liability insurance, including a list of insurance providers.

Hunting Lease Presentation
View a presentation on everything you need to know about hunting leases.
The Hunters' Guide to a Successful Hunt Lease (PDF)
University of Tennessee
The steps listed in this publication are designed to help hunters enjoy a quality hunting experience. Some steps are more applicable to certain properties than others, and that each lease has its own set of issues. Use this as a guide when selecting or drafting your lease. This publication discusses determining if the property is good for fee hunting. It gives information on managing the land, hunting club, habitat, and deer populations. It also describes the types of leases and costs.
Dr. Daryl Jones presents on how to establish a hunting lease and some of the legal ramifications associated with leases and the importance of natural resource enterprises on your property.
Vaughn Farms offers white-tailed deer hunting on 400-acres in Claiborne County, focusing on trophy bucks. Guides are assigned to each customer group. Listen to customers discuss their experience.